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台湾森林冒险学校开办迄今已经18年时间,于每年寒暑假安排长时间营队式的户外探索课程,由擅长体验教育的采风户外探索以及20年以上生命探索教育经验的老师亲自规划与执行,并 配合专业教育引导师及户外安全教练,让孩子在6~8天的时间,体验自我成长、展开一场生命对话。

About Us
今年暑假采风户外探索推出的长时间营队,由专长体验教育的郭老师规划、设计,搭配在生命教育有丰富经验的引导老师及专业户外团队来执行,让小朋友更了解冒险学校不只是夏令营, 更是一段生命的成长与对话。
有鉴于台湾的环境中,家长不易为学生寻找到好的生命思考、品格教育的课程,因此开始有了森林小学的出现,却也担心能否与正常学制可以衔接,与其他邻居、亲戚的孩子 无法沟通,于是采风户外探索参考纽西兰「堤河邑」学校利用暑假期间安排冒险学校的课程,课程采AE(Adventure Education)、PA探索教育及自然体验课程,透过引导让学生在冒险、有趣 的自然探索中去面对自己的生命状态,并在团队生活的过程里,藉由引导老师的引导去发现人与人之间真实的互动。.
The long-term camp launched by Cai Feng Outdoor Exploration this summer is planned and designed by Mr. Guo, who specializes in experiential education, and is executed by guiding teachers and professional outdoor teams with rich experience in life education, so that children can better understand that adventure schools are not just summer camps. It is also a period of growth and dialogue in life. In view of the environment in Taiwan, it is difficult for parents to find good life thinking and character education courses for their students. Therefore, Forest Primary School began to appear, but they were also worried about whether it could be connected with the normal school system and with the children of other neighbors and relatives. Unable to communicate, Caifeng Outdoor Exploration referred to the adventure school courses arranged by New Zealand's "Teheyi" school during the summer vacation. The courses adopted AE (Adventure Education), PA exploration education and nature experience courses. Through guidance, students can learn adventure, Face your own life status through interesting natural exploration, and discover the real interactions between people through the guidance of the teacher in the process of team life.

Since 1988

Contact Us
No. 35, Ln. 190, Zhongxing N. St., Sanchong Dist., New Taipei City 241019, Taiwan (R.O.C.)